Regulatory Compliance
Committee Name: AICTE/Affiliation/AISHE/FRC
Preamble: This committee has been set up with a view to handle and coordinate various activities and tasks related to AICTE EOA, GTU Affiliation, AISHE and FRC. The committee will take care of filling details on the portal of AICTE, GTU affiliation, AISHE and FRC. Details pertaining to these activities will be collected and compiled every year. All major communications/circulars uploaded / sent by AICTE and GTU w.r.t approval norms and affiliation norms will be handled by the committee.
To fill details on AICTE, GTU, FRC, AISHE portal and submit reports.
To act in line with circulars and major communications sent by AICTE, GTU and FRC
Scope (activities/events/action items):
AICTE EOA portal details filling exercise and submission
GTU affiliation portal details filling exercise and submission
FRC Portal details filling exercise and submission
Committee Members
Name |
Designation |
Role in Committee |
Dr. Abhinava Singh |
Professor & Director |
Chairperson |
Dr. Mayur Shah |
Associate Professor |
Faculty Coordinator |
Dr. Dipti Saraf |
Assistant Professor |
Faculty Member |
Ms. Nazneen Shaikh |
Assistant Professor |
Faculty Member |
Mr. Ritesh Prajapati |
I.T. Executive |
Admin Support |
Committee Name: Anti-Ragging Committee
Preamble: In view of the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in SLP no. 24295 of 2006 dated 16.05.2007 and that dated 8.05.2009 in Civil Appeal number 887 of 2009 and in consideration of the determination of the Central Government and the University Grants Commission to prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging. Including any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student, or indulging in rowdy or in-disciplined activities by any student or students which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in any fresher or any other student or asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student, with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority by a student over any fresher or any other student, in all higher education institutions in the country, and thereby, to provide for the healthy development, physically and psychologically, of all students, the University Grants Commission, in consultation with the Councils, brings forth this Regulation.
The committee will ensure to prohibit the scourge of ragging including any conduct by any student or students as prescribed by AICTE, notification 2009.
To ensure about activities planned by the committee will be executed smoothly
Scope (activities/events/action items):
Committee will erect notices and circulars issued by AICTE and GTU for creating awareness among the students.
Committee will take an undertaking from each student to not indulge in any ragging activity on campus. The same will be signed by their parents
Committee Members
Name |
Designation |
Role in Committee |
Dr. Abhinava Singh |
Professor & Director |
Chairperson |
Dr. Rajesh Desai |
Assistant Professor |
Faculty Coordinator |
Dr. Dipti Saraf |
Assistant Professor |
Faculty Member |
Ms. Rajasi Thaker |
Administrative Officer |
Admin Staff |
Major Shirish Patil |
Founder (Turv Consulting) |
Industry Member |
Student Member |
Student |
Student (2nd Year) |
Student Member |
Student |
Student (1st Year) |
Committee Name: Grievance Redressal Committee
Preamble: Shri Chimanbhai Patel Institute of Management & Research is committed to provide a safe, fair and harmonious learning and work environment for all of its students, parents and staff members – teaching and non-teaching. To achieve this objective, a Grievance Redressal committee (GRC) has been set up at Shri Chimanbhai Patel Institute of Management & Research. It has been set up in accordance with AICTE Notification F.No.35- 3/legal/2012 dated 25.05.2012, University Grants Commission Regulations 2012 (The Gazette of India, March 23-29, 2013), for handling day-to-day grievances relating to students, parents and staff members, both teaching and non-teaching. Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) facilitates the resolution of grievances in a fair and impartial manner involving the respective department/section/faculty/centre and/or institute representatives, maintaining necessary confidentiality. Any stakeholder with a genuine grievance may approach the Grievance Redressal committee to submit his/her grievance in writing or submit it on the Grievance redressal portal on The Grievance redressal committee and all its rules, regulations, including decisions, will be applicable to all the students of the Institute and their parents during their stint in the Institute and stay on the Institute campus.
To ensure a fair, impartial and consistent mechanism for redressal of varied issues faced by the stakeholders.
To develop a responsive and accountable attitude among the stakeholders and thereby maintain a harmonious atmosphere in the Institute campus.
To ensure that grievances are resolved promptly, neutrally, objectively and with sensitivity and in complete confidentiality.
To ensure that the views of each grievant and respondent are respected and that any party to a grievance is neither discriminated against nor victimized and
To up-hold the dignity of university by promoting cordial relationship among the stakeholders specially students and parents.
Scope (activities/events/action items):
The Grievance Redressal shall handle the process of Grievance Redressal. It shall be guided by the principles of natural justice while redressing the grievances. The committee considers only formal grievances, received in writing or on the portal, and shall put its best efforts for prompt redressal of all grievances received from students, parents, teaching and non-teaching staff.
Track all grievances received formally on the grievance redressal portal.
Address the grievance and resolve the concern as per the formally defined process.
Maintain records w.r.t. all communications and notices towards the redressal of grievance raised by the faculty, student and parents of students.
Record and maintain the minutes of the meeting organized by committee members twice in an academic year.
Committee Members
The committee has nominated the following members as a part of Grievance Redressal Committee.
Name of member |
Designation |
Role in Committee |
Dr. Abhinava Singh |
Professor & Director |
Chairperson |
Dr. Priyanka Shah |
Associate Professor |
Coordinator |
Dr. Mayur Shah |
Associate Professor |
Member |
Dr. Subhasish Mitra |
Assistant Professor |
Member |
Student 1 |
Student (*) |
Special invitee – Member |
Student 2 |
Student (*) |
Special invitee – Member |
*A student regarding the institute where the grievance has occurred to be nominated, based on academic merit, by the concerned institute – special invitee |
Committee Name: Internal Complaint Committee
Preamble: To build self-esteem and dignity among girl students and ladies faculty members, offering services such as counselling, legal aid in case of atrocities against women, creating awareness regarding women’s rights, prohibiting sexual harassment at the workplace, and arranging programs regarding health, personality development etc.
The committee will admit complaints from
Female employees on harassment and discrimination in the workplace by other employees.
Female students on harassment and discrimination in the classroom and in relation to academic activities by faculty and staff (Student to student cases will not be handled and will be referred to the Director)
The committee will follow relevant Acts, Rules, Notifications of Government of India and Court Orders etc. as applicable from time to time.
The Committee will institute Enquiry Committee as it deems fit to examine particular complaints.
The Committee will make recommendations on actions to be taken on specific complaints.
Internal Complaints Committee will examine all matters relating to women in the workplace and will make suggestions and proposals to the institute administration regarding such matters.
The committee will arrange programs as is deemed necessary.
The Committee will report to the Director.
a) Sexual Harassment Act 2013
b) Vishaka Guidelines
Scope (activities/events/action items):
Orientation/Training Program carried out for the members of the ICC to deal with complaints and workshops and awareness Program carried out for the officers, functionaries, faculty and students to sensitize them against sexual harassment.
Committee Members
Name |
Designation |
Email Id |
Role in Committee |
Dr. Abhinava Singh |
Director | |
Chairperson |
Dr. Anu Gupta |
Associate Professor | |
Coordinator/ Presiding Officer |
Nazneen Shaikh |
Assistant Professor | |
Member |
Dr. Vaidehi Shukla |
Assistant Professor | |
Member |
Committee Name: SC-ST Committee
Preamble: This committee has been formulated to follow and comply with the guidelines as prescribed by Gujarat Technological University.
To follow and comply with the guidelines as prescribed by Gujarat Technological university.
Scope (activities/events/action items):
N. A.
Committee Members
Name |
Designation |
Email Id |
Role in Committee |
Dr. Abhinava Singh |
Professor & Director | |
Chairperson |
Ms. Chandni Dave |
Assistant Professor | |
Coordinator |
Dr. Dipti Saraf |
Assistant Professor | |
Faculty Member |
Ms. Rajasi Thaker |
Administrative Officer | |
Admin Staff |
Mr. Ritesh Prajapati |
Computer Lab In-charge (MBA) | |
Admin Staff |
Mr. Nayan Dabhi |
MBA Student | |
Student (2nd year) |
Ms. Jyoti Sonara |
MBA Student | |
Student (1st year) |
Committee Name: Woman Development Cell
Preamble: This committee has been formulated to follow and comply with the guidelines and norms with reference to the WDC as prescribed by Gujarat Technological University.
To make women aware of their social and legal rights and thus empower them to stand against any discrimination.
To develop personality and incubate leadership quality in women leading to a fulfilling lives.
To organize activities and programmes to achieve the above said objectives.
Scope (activities/events/action items):
To conduct Workshops, Events, Seminars, and Self-defense training for women and girl students
Committee Members
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation |
Role in Committee |
E-mail Address |
1 |
Dr. Abhinava Singh |
Professor & Director |
Chairperson |
2 |
Dr. Swati Saxena |
Assistant Professor |
Coordinator | |
3 |
Ms. Chandni Dave |
Assistant Professor |
Member |
4 |
Ms. Rajasi Thaker |
Administrative Officer |
Admin Staff |
5 |
Ms. Ruchira Thota |
Student |
Student (2nd year) |
6 |
Ms. Poonam Malla |
Student |
Student (1st year) |