Chimanbhai Patel Institute of Management & Research offers a 2-year full-time MBA program approved by AICTE.

Program Highlights
- The MBA Programme of CPIMR is based on semester pattern, with four semesters constituting two academic years, and each academic year having two semesters.
- AICTE approved.
- It covers both core and specialization courses as well as field work.
- Specialization courses fall under at least one of the three functional areas of business: finance, human resources, and marketing
- Non-Credit Course: An intensive and exhaustive month-long orientation programme will be conducted through the Induction (ANUSTHAPAN) and Foundation programme (PRARAMBH).
- ANUSTHAPAN would provide an overview of the institute and the pedagogy & rigor involved in completing the MBA programme besides insights from business leaders and alumni.
- PRARAMBH will offer fundamental knowledge in certain subjects that would help students to understand the concept better when actual sessions commence.
- The first-year students are offered Advance Skills Acquisition Programme (ASAP), a as non-credit non-mandatory course. The programme will provide students with a window to how the business world works.

Program Structure
- Duration of the Programme: 2 years
- Total Credits: 116 credits
- 1 credit = 10 hours
- Each course/subject will be of 4 credits (40 hours)
- The first year of MBA will cover 56 credits while the second year will have 60 credits.
- Contact hours will include work relating to Lecture, Tutorial and Project (LTP), where the academic institution can exercise flexibility to decide course wise requirements.